I try so hard to keep it under wraps, to keep my fears from taking over my life. I won't lie it is difficult but I do it. This week I worry for many things but I have figured out how to keep it in check. I don't want to pass on this worry to my boys. I want them to live happy and carefree lives, with a little caution mixed in (let's be real, I couldn't survive without some caution). I want them to be boys that grow into great men. I want them to climb trees and get dirty and ride wheelies on their bikes and crash on skateboards and take risks. That is the only way they will be successful in the world. My boys are smart and handsome and caring and perfect in every way but I can't put them in a bubble. They have to live in the world because soon enough their part of the world will reach further than our backyard.
Jackson wants to be a race car driver. He zips around in his go kart and has actually flipped it. He races his boy scout Cub Mobile downhill at nerve wracking speeds. Thank God for helmets and little boy bones made of rubber!
Jensen ditched the training wheels a few months ago and is all out now. He builds ramps with his brothers and I have to scream at him to get out of the road often (just ask the neighbors)!
And Joel...my poor sweet Joel! He is good at everything he tries but he takes risks. He climbs to the treetops and he races downhill on anything with wheels. Bless my boy and keep him safe because he knows NO DANGER!
But it is all going to be OK! They have each other and for as many times as that will cause them to do something monumentally stupid, they will always be there to cover for each other, to help each other to be brothers! And to be best friends! And that sets my crazy mind at ease....at least a little!