Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Adequacy Meter

Another post about my Joel.  I have been blessed with good babies.  My boys are easy.  It started with easy pregnancies, the most difficult thing I had to endure was the c-section to get them each into the world, small price to pay.  The took to breastfeeding with relative ease and weening went just as smoothly.  There wasn't a food they didn't like.  Potty training was frustrating at the time but looking back not a big deal.  Joel gave up his paci with no arguments.  I am able to leave them with the sitter without a major meltdown.  The biggest issue was sleeping through the night, each of them waited until they were 9 months old to comply, must be in their genes.  My boys are very similar and yet so so different.  Which brings me to what this post is about, the adequacy meter.  What is an adequacy meter you might be asking about now.  That is the term my sweet brother-in-law, Bryan, coined when referring to Joel's reaction to anything that isn't going his way.  Even as a baby Joel with cry with the slightest breeze.  It was as if he was saying "Life is not all I had hoped!  This is the worst thing that has every happened to me!  I can't believe I have to endure this injustice!!!"  This was his reaction to having to wait a minute or two for a cup of juice.   You can imaging his reaction to anything serious.  Like in this photo where he wants Mama!
I can still hear Bryan saying "Life is not adequate!"  While Joel was crying over one less than perfect situation or another. 

So I have decided to document all of Joel's moments of not being treated fairly.  All the things he calls his Grandma and reports.  I stay in trouble with Grandma by the way.  So enjoy the photos of sweet Joel at his finest moments.  I love this boy and just to set the record straight Joel is a happy boy!  He is more often found giving me the thumbs up and the "I love you Mommy!"  than he is pouting in the corner but if I don't take these pictures what will I use for blackmail in the teenage years?

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