Tuesday, August 24, 2010

People keep telling me.....

"I'm too young for a girlfriend!"  That was the story for the day today.  So I told him "Yes Jackson you are too young for a girlfriend but who keeps telling you that?"  "EVERYONE!!"  was the exasperated reply (exasperated is Jackson's new favorite word).  He continued by telling me that it was too late he already has a girlfriend and it is Madelynne!  And she doesn't act like she wants to be his friend anymore and she only plays with James!  I tried to encourage my child to make new friends and that Madelynne will always be his friend and there are lots of girls AND boys to play with.  His response was "I have to wait until I am un-young to have more than one girlfriend."  Me: "You mean older."  Jackson: "Yes Mommy when I am older I will have at least 3 or 4 girlfriends."......I don't think this conversation went the way I wanted it to. 

My sweet boy and his first girlfriend, even though he isn't allowed to have a girlfriend.  I hope this is the worst heartache he ever knows. 


  1. precious! you're doing a swell job with your blog! i love reading about the sweet Tinsleys!

  2. Bless his heart. Who knew my baby girl could cause such heartache? I hope when they're older Jackson is telling her that she's not EVER ready to have a boyfriend! But they sure are sweet :)
