Thursday, August 19, 2010

A little insight into my middle!

My poor sweet Joel Ellis.  My middle child.  You would think I would have more sympathy for him considering I am a middle child myself.  The poor always forgotten and left out middle child.  The child that has to go above and beyond to get attention because we aren't the prized first born and we aren't the cutest of the cute baby of the family.  We weren't the first to do anything and we aren't the one everyone is looking at because we are the last one that will do it.  We don't have a special distinction, we are just middle!  My poor Joel has the added misfortune of being just like his mother.  I have talked to his teacher 2 times this week because Joel talks too much.  I believe Ms. Donna used the word "constantly".  I know, I know, all of my friends reading this are saying "NO Mary Lynn not your child!  Where does he get that trait?"  Joel wants to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it.  He is the sweetest helper, when it is his idea.  He finds things around the house and if they look interesting to him he hides them in his room.  I have caught him eating Tums because they taste like candy.  So many things I could list that Joel does I can remember doing when I was a child.  Again I say poor Joel.  So all of that background just to tell you as much as he pushes my buttons he is the funniest child EVER!!!  He is so animated, everything he does is do exciting.  He is a master of the thumbs up and the wink "Mommy, I got it!  Don't worry about it!"

Last week my husband went upstairs because it sounded like my boys were going to come through the ceiling.  He said in his most serious and stern Daddy voice "WHAT IS GOING ON UP HERE???" , the boys don't know he is serious (giggle giggle giggle)  Daddy continues "Jackson DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY???"  In an effort to help his brother out Daddy hears Joel whisper to his brother "Jackson make a serious face and look at the floor."  Hmmmmmm  thanks for breaking the tension Joel, now there is nothing to do but laugh.

Today as Joel is practicing his jumping jacks:  "Mommy watch this, I do really cool jumping jacks!"   Me: "Wow Joel that is great!  Good Job!"  Joel "No Mommy watch this one is going to be really good....Wait for it, wait for it......"  Again I say there is nothing to do but to laugh.  It was a really excellent jumping jack!

And my favorite story from this week is not only about Joel but it gives you a hint of what Jackson is like as well.  We are driving down the road and Joel says to me "Mommy you are pretty, you are so so pretty."  Me:  "Why thank you Joel that is very sweet."  Joel "Mommy you are so pretty, much prettier that Susie* (name has been changed to protect the innocent)"  Me:"Thank you Joel."  Jackson "Well Mommy Susie isn't really that pretty."  Once again what do you say to that?


  1. oh, thank you for making me laugh this morning. i love jackson & joel's car ride observations. poor miss susie! :)

  2. I love that Joel-E! Glad Annabelle could help you recover the contraband this afternoon :) They really are so alike, our poor, sweet, overlooked middle babies.
